Our products and services

The wide range of our equipments dedicated to fluorinated products makes it possible to consider most syntheses of solid inorganic fluorides and oxide-fluorides. Any study will be adapted to the requested specifications: quantity and morphology of the products, homogeneity of doping, types of desired characterizations, packaging, etc. The investigations will be done in three steps:

– First, the feasibility of the synthesis process will be tested by a preliminary study taking into account the literature  (publications, patents) or experiences previously carried out in our group. In case of potential difficulties, some experimental parameters will be modified to facilitate the final synthesis of the product, and a more precise estimate will be proposed.

– The selected process will then be implemented taking into account all specificities of the formulated request.

– Quality controls will be made on various batches from a protocol defined with the customer.

Optics, electronics and photonics (high purity)
–  UV absorbers
TiOOHF, Ti0.75(OH)1.5F1.5, (Ce, A) (O,F,)2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba).
Transparent electrodes (titanium-, tin-, indium- based) and electronic conductivity: TiO2 :F, TiO2:Nb/F,  SnO2:F, InO1-xF1+x.
Colored pigments: SmSF (yellow), CeSF, Ce1-xRExSF (red, RE : rare earth).
– Luminophores (red, green, blue): K2SiF6, K2TiF6 : Mn4+  / Elpasolite A2BB’F6 : Ce3+.
Precursors of high purity fluoride glasses for laser: ZrF4, ZnF2, GaF3, LaF3, BaF2, AlF3, etc, …

InF3  → InO1-xF1+x

 cathode materials (Li battery) : FeOF, FeF3-x(OH)x




– Fion conducting solid electrolyte : TR1-xAxF3-x (TR : terres rares, A: alcalino-terreux)

Fluorinated carbons CFx

Catalysis and environment
Nanostructured fluorides with high specific surface area:
– Acidity of Lewis / Brönsted: AlF3-x (OH) x
– Basicity of Lewis: KMgF3, MgF2
Synthesis and fluorine generators
CeF4, CoF3, KCoF4, K2MnF6, K2NiF6.